Holiday Rants
No, I'm just kidding. The holidays are always like this. I'm stuck at home. Doing nothing really. I can even watch the clock tick as time passes by. Plus, the weather out there is really hot and it is so not helping me think well. This holiday has been giving me mood swings for the past couple of days ever since it started. And no, I am not going through PMS. WAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH.
It's weird right? During school days, we want to stay home and play games all day. But when the holidays come,... everyone just don't have anything to do. We're mindless zombies waking up at the middle of the day to surf Facebook/Tumblr/whatever site (or play computer games) till early morning. I'm pretty sure the number of death-of-boredom increase during the holidays cause' we've absolutely NOTHING, I mean,NOTHING,to do. We need to find a way to overcome this dilemma,.. and what is the solution? Find a hobby. ASIDE FROM PLAYING VIDEO GAMES AND SURFING THE NET, OF COURSE.
It could be anything; from collecting stamps to washing the backs of old people ;D Anything to fill your time. Maybe practice some martial arts so you can beat the crap out of any bully next time around. (But I thought martial arts are for self defense?) Spend some time with your family and friends, picnicking nearby a river or having a fun time under the sun by the beach. Or for couples, you can take your partner out on a date to some cheesy diner and then lie down on the dewy grass, (on a private hill?) and hold hands while watching and wishing upon the stars. OR, you could form a band with your buddies and compose some songs together and walk to a open-24hours store at 3am for the fun of it. Or you could prank call your teacher and tell him his refrigerator is running, and he's too fat to catch it :D And hold in your laughter and burst out when you put the phone down. Yeah, good times, good memories.
But this is all in my head though, I've done none of them except going to the beach/river with my family. I've never even washed an old person's back. Never.
Here's some more things you could do during the holidays. You could get a facial treatment at some shop or have your girlfriends over to your house for a slumber party and treat yourselves with your own facial materials. You could climb a mountain and experience having leeches suck the living out of your legs(or anywhere on your body). You could open up a lemonade stand at your local supermarket and have people pass by and ignore you or taunt you or spread rumors or... okay, maybe not that. But you could start a small store with secondhand materials and then slowly, transform your store into your dream store. Don't forget to take photographs and videos! You might accidentally find these footage and/or photographs when you're old and wrinkly and watch/look through them on the couch with your spouse and grandchildren. :)
Ahh. It would be just great if I could do all that.(Yes, that includes washing an old person's back. Just for the experience ;D) Go on! Let your creativity loose! Draw, write, record your life on paper, or just anything and everywhere.

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