Time After Time
By the time I finish blogging, it'll be around 12:30 am. :\
Sorry, to anyone I disappointed for not blogging the night before. Wasn't into it.
Today was, okay. EARLIER today was, bad.
I was singing "Cooler than Me" by Mike Posner when Jasmine continued the beat of the song "Doo doo doo doo doo". She held onto the stair rail and moved back and forth. The sight was wrong in so many ways, I couldn't help but laugh. She was embarrassed and started choking me, playfully. I couldn't stop laughing, and so I fell back and knocked my head on the cement wall. I could hear my skull knock onto the wall. It hurt, but I just kept on laughing. Jasmine tried to pull me back up but failed. Then someone managed to pull me up to my feet. Then everyone wondered if I was okay. I really didn't know.
After that, I finally got my form 2 textbooks. I had to go to the storeroom to pick my books. It was crammed and hot in there, and smelled like sweat. It was hard picking good books because the ones that were in the storeroom, weren't the ones passed down to my class yesterday. You see, I forgot one book the day before so I couldn't bring a set of my form 2 books home. The teacher in the storeroom was all cranky and noisy. I don't want to get into detail. They ruined my afternoon.
And the period before recess, I received my Science paper. And guess what? I got 49%. I covered all the topics and got a 'C'. Great, I thought. I just wanted Fardyana to kill me then.
I kinda blew up at Jasmine during recess. I regretted it. And I think I scared someone off. I wasn't being me, that's for sure. I didn't do well this semester. I'm so angry with myself. I don't think I want my report card back.
Anyway, I'll be going shopping with Keith, Fardyana, Jasmine, and Aida this Saturday at Boulevard. We're looking for clothes to wear during the Tang Soo Do dinner. We're wearing the theme "Mafia" and I got my dress already. It was mom's; she ended up not being able to fit in it and I could wear it, just my size. I planned to wear a long sleeved work-like shirt with a sleek, black jacket over it and a red tie. A short skirt, with fishnet leggings down to my feet. And black high heels. But now, I just need to add in a cool fedora hat, shades, and a pair of black heels. I also plan to wear my hair fall to one side. You know, like those sexy latinos. LOL That's what I picture when I think of think of that hairstyle. No offence. It's really nice. Hehe.
Jasmine would have to wear a skirt and a shirt then. Or maybe, if she brings that dress she wants to wear, we can reconsider her type of outfit for that night. Fardyana's wearing long pants and a white, short sleeved work-like shirt, a jacket and tie. Classic. And yeah, a fedora hat too. That's the main reason we're going out shopping, to find a fedora hat.
So I finally got to listen to "Time After Time" by Cyndi Lauper. I... miss that song. I remember the melody of that song, ever since I was little. Mom and dad had good taste in music. And this was the kind of songs my mom would sing around the house. The lyrics, they mean a lot. I like the fact that it's relaxing to hear. This is real music. That song is older than me! 13 years to be exact. Wow. Haha.
That song, made me thought about today, and I feel, I can let this day go. It's not that bad.
If you're lost, you can look. And you will find me - time after time.

I love you, mom and dad. Bros. You.
Labels: Cyndi Lauper, Laughing, Love, Mafia, School, Science, Smelly, Tang Soo Do
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