Past Loves (Part 1)
Maybe when you saw the title, you thought, "Oh! A story of Renee's exes!" or, "Past loves? Hmmm.", or... "Past loves!? How many does this ********** have!?" It's nothing like that though. HAHA OWNED JK.
When I was younger(Yes, younger, and I'm only 14), I used to have insane crushes on a few teen pop idols. One of them being Jesse McCartney. But this was all before I turned 12, and my brother, Keith, introduced me to Screamo music. I listened to rock music more often after that and lost all interest in pop (LOL), dissing every top pop hit on the radio and TV. But I'm a bit, laid-back now, if you know what I mean. I like any music as long as they have 'meaning'. So anyway, back to the subject, this was the Jesse McCartney I was head over heels with:

I forgot how hot he was back then. LOL
But I guess people really 'lose it' after their teen years, the only years they become hardcore heartthrobs. And what were his biggest, top-charting, butt-kicking, heart melting hits? Of course, 'Beautiful Soul' and 'She's No You'. (I never bothered to research on all his songs, to be honest) But I knew, that, he was the one. Meaning, I believed, he was well, the most incredible solo artiste at that time and at my age.
Jesse McCartney, was, basically, a cute guy with a cute voice and sang cute songs. Everything about him was cute, BACK THEN. I remember having my mom roll her eyes every time I'd sing along to his songs on TV and the radio. And having my brothers groan every time I squeal of his appearances on shows, or his songs about to play on the radio. I was just another pre-teen fan, like this decade's generation of, Justin Bieber's pre and pre-pre teen fans LOL. It's a little embarrassing to look back at who I was before, naive and ignorant(and a nuisance LOL).
So this entry's conclusion is: (Allow me to rephrase)He was just another pretty face with a cute voice. Period.
To be continued.
Labels: Blond, Jesse McCartney, Love, Music, Past
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