Feeling Unwell

Right, my body's heating up. I started having a sore throat earlier in morning. I dreamt about someone 3 times in a row this week. Even if I don't remember what happened in my dreams, I knew he was in them.
I caught dad's flu. And cough. And fever. I don't want to fall sick again. I had a terrible sore throat around 2 weeks ago. Argh. Now I'm playing Paramore songs to 'rock' me up a bit and get me in the rocker spirit(\m/), ...but it's not really working. (/w\) I hate it when you get those sudden aches in your body when you're having a good time. Well, I'm not really having a good time, but still, it sucks.
I helped out at church in the afternoon today. I feel good. I cleaned the toilets a bit, swept the hall and the worship room, swept a classroom. I really think my duties are slowly making me weak. Meaning, more work LESS play. LOL.
Did I tell you I am a fan of action games like Red Alert and C.O.D.? But it's been a long time since I've played these games. Back then it was the holidays, my brothers had nothing else to do so they took the PlayStation 2 from me. I never really had a chance to play games anywhere. And this holiday too. Even if I finished my chores and all, I'd feel exhausted after and really, I just need to rest. And later in the evening, I'd be re-energized so I sleep late at night. =.= And that's why I have an unbalanced sleeping routine, and I'm only 13.
Well, guess it's just the duties of a teenage girl. No, duty of a teenage girl under strict parents.
Now I'm really feeling like a sack of potatoes. No, you don't know what I mean. It means I feel 'heavy' all over and my body aches and I'm sitting like a sack of potatoes. Super.
Sorry you had to read all that. I'm just not having the time of my life here.
That's it. Nighties!
I hope my sunshine's okay though. Heh. :)
Labels: Call of Duty, Church, Clean, Paramore, Red Alert, Sick
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