Christmas Day :)

I know, I know... I should've blogged more before this. But nevermind.
All I want for Christmas is sunshine!
And Jesus ;D

I'd like to wish my fellow readers(if I have any, I know la, I don't T.T),
A very Merry Christmas,
and a blissful New Year! :)
May the Lord bless you all and guide you throughout the year, 2011.
I'd like to also apologize to my love for not getting him anything for Christmas.
==' I phail. I just don't know what to give you, dear.
And I'm not a working woman so I don't have the money.
I really apologize whole-heartedly,
inside out,
and from the bottom of my heart.
You know I love you so much.
And I'm a hugeeeeee JERK.
All I could do was...
Plan B. LOL.
(You wouldn't understand xD)
Once again I am listening to Paramore on my iTunes.
And later on I'd have to help my parents serve people who are coming to the house.
It's Christmas, yeah.
The birth day of Jesus :)
I've not opened up my presents yet.
I've only received one. LOL. From Jolene.
I think I can guess what it is,
considering how thin it felt when I got it from her.
Once again, Merry Christmas peeps! ;D
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